Friday, October 19, 2012

Dreams of a MAdman

            Adolf Hitler, the madman behind the Holocaust. Hitler rallied a lot of Germans to his side using his charisma. He blamed the Jews for Germany’s defeat during WWI, and because of low morale among Germans, they joined him. Hitler followed the ideas of Führerprinzip, which was a principle that relied on absolute obedience of all subordinates to their superiors (Wikipedia). He viewed himself as the leader in a government structured as a pyramid. 
            Hitler wanted to establish the Aryan Race as the dominant race. When he was a child, he drew a picture of a world of only blue eyes blond haired people. He proclaimed the Aryans, blond haired blue eyed people, where descendants of the ancient Greeks. At the 1936 Olympics, he wanted to show just how dominate the Aryan race was, but he failed when Olympic gold medalist Jessie Owens who left the Berlin Olympics with 4 gold medals.  (Hitler at the 1936 Olympics)
            Although Hitler was a pretentious jerk, I believe he was a good leader. If you’re able to gather almost a whole country to a cause, you’re a pretty good leader; even the cause is something as disturbing as the Holocaust. I still don’t understand Hitler’s reasons since he was Half Jew and he wasn’t Aryan. 

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